Destination: Midway
Video Series With Karl Zingheim, Ship Historian
Meet Karl Zingheim, the Ship Historian of the USS Midway Museum. A San Diego native, Karl graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1986. Following his naval service, he helped establish the Exhibits Department for the USS Midway Museum and now serves as the staff historian. As an early advocate for Midway’s establishment, Karl has been with the Museum for over twenty years – and as a specialist in naval history, has appeared on the History Channel, Discovery Channel and teaches Military History at San Diego State University.
Get ready to hear the stories of naval aviation and history first-hand from this bonafide history expert in our livestream web series entitled, Destination: Midway with Historian, Karl!

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Latest Blog Posts from Karl’s Korner

USS Midway Museum's 20th Anniversary Series: Information Technology (IT) Department

USS Midway Museum's 20th Anniversary Series: Airwing Department

USS Midway Museum's 20th Anniversary Series: Exhibits Department
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