Flight Deck
On Midway's Flight Deck, find out firsthand what it takes to take off and land at the world’s most compact airport.
With over 20 Aircraft populating the massive Flight Deck, you can walk up and touch some of the fighters, bombers, and helicopters that took naval aviation into the jet age. Beneath the bustle of the Flight Deck, discover how Midway’s Admiral fought Operation Desert Storm in his high-tech command center, examine the global radio communications complex, and sample the amenities of the Captain’s Inport Cabin.
Flight Deck Exhibit Highlights
Midway Airwing
The Midway’s Flight Deck features 26 skillfully restored carrier aircraft, including jet fighters, attack aircraft, helicopters, and specialist designs. They span decades from the Battle of Midway in 1942 to the Korean and Vietnam Wars to today’s tactical aircraft. Carefully restored, each represents an aspect of USS Midway’s long career.
Meatball Exhibit
In addition to a restored Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, the exhibit includes an interactive display explaining how this special light rig helps pilots land aboard the Midway.

Pilot Ready Rooms
Step inside the special world of carrier aviation. The USS Midway offers seven Pilot Ready Rooms where naval aviators once conducted pre-flight mission planning, briefing, and post-flight debriefing. Each Ready Room is sponsored and exhibited by dedicated volunteer organizations.

Ship’s Island / Bridge
After months of being under renovation, Midway's Island has reopened!
Explore the ship's Island/Bridge superstructure - the command center where the USS Midway's Captain and crew steer the ship and oversee flight operations. You can even enjoy a special tour up serpentine ladders through the ship's navigation and flight control sections, led by one of Midway’s world-class volunteer Docents!

Captain’s and Admiral’s Country
Step just below the Flight Deck to examine where the admiral lived and the command center where Operation Desert Storm was orchestrated. See the complex Radio message center and where the Midway’s captain entertained dignitaries in his Inport Cabin.

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